Water is a necessity in this life. The human body is made up of mostly water, as is the entire Earth. Water in its natural state is pure, cleansing, and refreshing. It's simply perfect. We need it's simple perfection to live. Water follows a specific pattern. Water flows in certain directions. Water can be found in 3 forms. {For my non-elementary education majors, the three forms are solid, liquid, and gas. Don't even get me started on the Water Cyle....there's a song for that! ;)}
Water in THREE forms. Water is pure. Water is mostly what I'm made of. Water is mostly what the world is made of. Water is perfect.
Now, I may be {a little} A LOT farfetched by saying that Water has extremely similar characteristics to that of God. Wow. I said that.
But come on, please tell me you see it too...
God in THREE forms. God is pure. God is mostly what I'm made of. God is mostly what the world is made of. God is perfect.
The reason mostly can be used in the presence of our God is that there is evil and darkness and sin that tries to grab hold of whatever it can.
Sin wins daily. Darkness always seems to settle in when we least expect it.
But let me tell you, we are
loved by a God who has CONQUERED this world. He is using me and YOU to be His light in this world. He is giving us the "Rock" necessary to make ripples in the water that travel to places you've never imagined. Ripples that change the world.
The Bible tells us...
Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” John 7:38 ESV
Rivers of living water.
My mama always tells me that we are like the rocks in this big world of water. We never understand the impact we have, because we often cannot see the shores our ripples are touching.
We serve a BIG God. He knows you by name. You are worthy. You are a beloved child of the Most High. His love for us never ceases. He has a specific plan for me and for you. He has given you the tools and power necessary to be His hands and feet in this world.
Splash the distant shores with the beauty of His love and grace.
His grace is an ocean.
We are all sinking.
All my love.
I'll leave you with a picture of my favorite boy playing in his favorite place (St. Teresa Beach). This is my black lab, Whaler, named after the "Boston Whaler" boat. (I told y'all that I love water.)
{I'm pretty sure this is what his Heaven looks like.}