You heart is a HOME. Your heart lets in many 'guests' over the course of your life. Some of these guests stay for a while and leave, while others start unpacking their suitcases and begin rearranging the furniture and painting the walls.
My heart has many different 'guests' that reside within its walls. My sweet Mama and Daddy have a HUGE "ocean view" room in my heart. They are two of the most amazing people I know. Their support is never ending, and their love goes around the moon and back again. They are a major part of who I am as a person. My brother and sister have a very special place in my heart. We laugh and fight like any other siblings, and I'm thankful for their companionship in my life. My passion for teaching fills up space in my heart. I love teaching and getting to watch children learn and grow! My heart has a special room for children. They fill my heart with such joy and life.
My most favorite "heart guest", who has definitely "moved in", would be my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He moved in and rescued my heart from all kinds of things. Not only did He rescue my heart, but He allowed me to clear out some space to allow more people in. People I would have never let in without Him lighting up the "Vacancy Sign". Jesus took my heart and showed me all that is good and all the room I have to spare.
Who lives in your heart? Do you have many "heart guests" or just a bunch of vacant rooms? Is your heart neat and tidy and perfectly arranged? Or is it like mine?
A jumbled mess.
You're probably really confused. I just gave you this look into a heart that you thought was pretty together. Ha! No way. Not here.
Not this heart.
Not since my trip to this place.....
This place and Jesus, had a big "house party" and left my heart in shambles.
Shambles, in the best possible way.
Haiti is a beautiful country and it's people are even more breathtaking. The minute my feet hit the rocky soil in Port-Au-Prince, I was in love.
I was so in love, that I was completely overwhelmed. My heart was insanely overwhelmed. I was scared, and nervous, and overly cautious of how this place was going to move into my heart.
Remember my favorite heart guest?
He knew just what I wanted and needed.
Jesus opened the front door BIG and WIDE to make room for all these precious people.
My heart now has a place for these beautiful people and the beautiful nation of Haiti. Jesus showed me how to truly love PEOPLE. He showed me how to leave the door to my heart wide open. He taught me how to trust in Him and what He is doing. Jesus showed me that washing clothes in a bucket, playing jump rope in a dirty courtyard, painting a home for a thankful woman, singing songs to a sweet little boy, glorifying God in a language I didn't know, all have a place in my heart. And that these aren't the little knick-knacks on the shelves, but these are the laughs and cries and tears and smiles that make up a HOME.
So you see, my heart is in shambles right now. And it probably will still be in shambles as long as I live in this world. Jesus got rid of the vacuum cleaner, duster, mop, Lysol and all the things I was using to keep my heart 'clean' like I thought He wanted. He looked at my heart and He knew what I needed and He personally sent out the invitations to the "House Party" in my heart. Jesus knew that all this mess and clutter was exactly what my heart needed to glorify Him.
I challenge you to look into your heart and see if there is room for Jesus. And by "room for Jesus", I'm talking about the beautiful, gracious, wonderful, amazing MESS He brings with Him. When you fully let Jesus 'move in' and live in your heart, it will never be the same.
He will shake it up. Move things around. Paint the walls. Bring in new things. Build on additions. And throw a pool out back.
I hope you're ready for it! Give Jesus your heart. He will make your heart His HOME.
For you see....
JESUS, is kind of a BIG deal.
JESUS, has a major role in your body's function.
JESUS, sets the rhythm for your daily routines.
You'll reach a point where JESUS and your HEART become one in the same.
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