Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Rejoice in the Routine

Calendars. Do you have one? Do you have a paper one or an electronic one? 
I have a calendar. It's the size of a spiral notebook. It's colorful and pretty. It has all sorts of information in it that reminds me what I'm supposed to be doing. {Class times, homework assignments, tutoring, babysitting, football games, church, appointments...} It's pretty packed. It's my life. 

Isn't that funny. My calendar is my life and it reminds me what I'm supposed to be doing.
HA! But it's really not a joke. It's completely true. AND COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS.

I recently read the book, "Kisses from Katie". (Warning: If you are like me, you love to love on children and you love to serve Jesus, DON'T READ IT! Seriously, not until you have your degree.) 
This book takes you into the life of Katie, an upper class American in her early twenties who takes her "lavish American life" and trades it in for a little piece of red dirt in the country of Uganda. She falls in love with the people of this beautiful nation and decides to adopt 14 Ugandan girls as her own children. Fourteen. Where can I sign up for that?

Katie took everything she had (college, nice clothes, big house, fancy car) and gave it to Jesus. She took everything that she knew and gave it all up. She needed something more. Her heart needed something more. She longed for the darkest corners of her heart to proclaim the name of Jesus. She became a mother. Legally for 14 fourteen girls, but figuratively for a Ugandan village...to the tune of about 300 children. She fed and bathed and loved and prayed with these children. She celebrated, glorified, danced, and sang the name of Jesus every day. Every. Single. Day.

Is that in your calendar? 
Tuesday, September 10th: Glorify Jesus.

Probably not. It's not in my calendar. But it should be. The desire to glorify Jesus everyday is in my heart, but it gets covered up with routines. It gets covered up with all the things we "have to do".

I'm actually writing this post in my Legal Issues in Education class. My attention isn't in it. My heart isn't isn't it. Don't get me wrong, I love education. I love teaching. I love school. But my mind isn't in the place to hear about how the American schools were hundreds of years ago. My mind is inside a classroom loving and teaching children. My mind is in Haiti loving on the kids that are forever in my heart. My heart is longing to serve Jesus. To be out there doing. Loving. Rejoicing. Glorifying.

But, I'm not going to throw away all I've worked for and quit college to go to a third world country and love on precious children. Although, I would love to do just that.

I am going to keep taking the classes and taking the notes that bring me closer to my dream of becoming a teacher. After that degree is in my hand, who knows what is next. Well, God knows. I have every intention to follow Him. Where that leads, I don't know....Seminary? A third world country? A classroom? Wherever God leads me, I will go. I'm ready. 

Until then, I'm going to continue to glorify the name of Jesus everyday. I will love on the children in my life. I will be kind and caring to the strangers I meet each day. I will sing songs with gladness and I will celebrate the life I'm living! Homework assignment and all. 

I challenge you. Make room for Jesus in your busy day. 

Pencil Him in. It's the least you can do, considering what He did for you.

“It may take place in a foreign land or it may take place in your backyard, but I believe that we were each created to change the world for someone. To serve someone. To love someone the way Christ first loved us, to spread His light. This is the dream, and it is possible.” 

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