You can look at a mountain and think "No way, that's too big!" Or you can think "Okay, I'll give it my best-big-girl-panties shot and see what happens!"
You may not always be thrilled or excited about this mountain, but you can definitely have a more positive outlook on it.
The past couple days have put a lot of things into PERSPECTIVE. A view that I've never experienced before. I've found every moment of each day to be extremely special and precious.
Moments that I would normally wish away. Moments that I would normally consider to be painfully slow or annoying. Moments that I would normally take for granted.
This new perspective has me feeling insanely thankful and blessed. Blessed beyond measure. A little cup that is overflowing.
This new perspective was brought about by the awful, terrible Mr. C! The jerk that has found his way into my Daddy's body. He's a bully.
Physically, mentally, and emotionally.
You're probably thinking... You feel thankful and blessed with Mr. C being present?! (HECK NO!)
But Mr. C is showing me a perspective much like a gorgeous head of hair displays many colors. The lowlights are necessary to make the highlights stand out.
The low points in life make the high points SO MUCH MORE BEAUTIFUL! These lower moments in my life are highlighting why I'm so blessed and all of things I'm so thankful for.
I'm blessed and thankful for every day I get to wake up and breathe.
I'm blessed and thankful for the doctors who are caring for my dad.
I'm blessed and thankful for the hard bleachers in a high school stadium that let me cheer for my linebacker little brother. (GO HUSKIES!)
I'm blessed and thankful for friends and family that have reached out with hugs, love, kind words, and yummy dishes.
I'm blessed and thankful for the little children speckled in my life that make me smile and laugh.
I'm blessed and thankful for a Mom who is doing so many things out of her comfort zone, and doing a DARN good job.
I'm blessed and thankful for scholarships and student loans that allow me to continue to achieve my dream of becoming a teacher.
I'm blessed and thankful for the invention of the "double shot of espresso" at Starbucks.
I'm blessed and thankful for my God and His love that never fails.
I'm blessed and thankful for my Lord Jesus who felt pain in my name.
I'm blessed.
I'm thankful.
I will also say that like anyone, we all have "bad hair days". No amount of lowlights and highlights can change it. Some moments I just cry. I just cry because I don't what is before me, and that's a little scary. I'm holding on to the One who is making all things possible.
I don't know what this road has before me. I don't have the map or navigation system. I don't have the ETA. But I've got a big windshield showing all that is in front of me. My perspective has never been more beautiful. I'm going to let my hair down, throw on my Ray Bans, crank up some country music, and enjoy this ride called life.